Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Again With the Hawks

So I went out for lunch around noon and I was thinking of my friend Leah out in California, who was having cataract surgery – sending her those positive vibes and looking around for some kind of good sign. Not that I'm so crunchy as to go by signs and omens or anything, but it was something to do.

And what could be a better omen for someone's eyes than... a hawk? There was this hawk sitting in the middle of campus, hidden by a hedge so no one could really see it, eating a dead squirrel.

An immature redtail, I think -- my cell phone photos aren't great but it looked just like this one.
But really, wow -- it was gorgeous and incongruous here in the city. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve seen them around where I live, but that’s about six miles further up – practically the country, by NYC standards. I stood out in the cold for about 15 minutes, just watching it. As omens go, that one kicked ass.

That was about the high point of my whole day. Came home and walked the dog, brrr! And made some kale-prosciutto-noodle soup when I got home. This time of year makes me really militant about eating well... I always feel like there's only a bunch of leafy greens and a few cloves of garlic between me and certain pneumonia.



Blogger Unknown said...

Kinda the way the hawk felt about the squirrel?

No, really, it is mightily cool that you got to watch a hawk in the ivyish academic precincts.

9:53 PM  
Blogger Kitt said...

Wow, too cool! Was anyone else there to see it?

3:06 AM  
Blogger Rooie said...

That's wild. Grim, but wild.

I made up a fish soup last night that could have been improved by the addition of garlic.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Miss T said...

I'd say that was indeed a good sign!

9:29 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Kitt, people were walking by but you couldn't see it unless you peeked around the corner of the hedge. One guy, a student, looked to see what I was taking pictures of and was duly impressed. Otherwise, everyone just walked on, business as usual.

It was a cool thing. I do like raptors.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Kitt said...

Very cool indeed! I would have been buttonholing everyone. "Look! Look!"

When I had foxes sleeping in my backyard, I called next door and the teenaged son answered. Without thinking, I blurted out, "Are you in your bedroom?" because his window had a view of the yard. There was a verrry long pause before he replied.

But of course he understood when he went to look.

2:09 AM  
Blogger Leah said...

Lisa, it already meant a lot to have you thinking of me but for you to then to come upon such a spectacular omen at the same time. Wow. Friends like you are a true blessing.

2:52 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Aww, Leah. I can't take any credit for it whatsoever, other than being a willing conduit.

4:26 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

Lisa, it's all about paying attention, something you do so well. That's what opens the conduit and allows us to have those moments. We get so caught up in the busy-ness of our lives that we seldom stop and just look around us, to see what the world is offering. Like my mom used to say, "Open your big fat eyes!"

8:33 PM  
Blogger SteamyKitchen said...

WOW. that hawk is so magnificent and you got to take a great pic of it closeup!

Some people find it gruesome, but it's the cycle of life and that's what makes it beautiful.

10:42 AM  

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