Thursday, May 11, 2006

A new blog. Just what the world needs.

I don't have anything in it yet. I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I've made myself a blog. Jeez. Just me and everybody else in the freaking universe.

But I need a place to write and maybe this is it. Or... maybe not.


Blogger Cara dB said...

This is definitely what the world needs. (If I can speak for the rest of the planet, that is.) Go for it; I'll read it.

3:00 PM  
Blogger Kaethe said...

You're as bad as Cara and DG: why didn't you through a little blogwarming and invite your friends. I'd've brought bread, and salt, and wine or whatever it is.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Oh, but it's so much fun to watch the visitors start trickling. Not just fun, but I kind of get a kick out of watching how the process happens organically. Sure, I could throw a party and everyone would come... or I can have the rave in the abandoned garage and see who shows up. And we all know where the cool kids are gonna be.

4:02 PM  

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